Source code for pyfda.plot_widgets.plot_hf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

The ``Plot_Hf`` class constructs the widget to plot the magnitude
frequency response \|H(f)\| of the filter either in linear or logarithmic
scale. Optionally, the magnitude specifications and the phase
can be overlayed.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pyfda.libs.compat import (QCheckBox, QWidget, QComboBox, QLabel, QLineEdit,
                       QFrame, QHBoxLayout, pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal)
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator

import pyfda.filterbroker as fb
from pyfda.pyfda_rc import params
from pyfda.plot_widgets.mpl_widget import MplWidget
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_lib import calc_Hcomplex, pprint_log, safe_eval

classes = {'Plot_Hf':'|H(f)|'} #: Dict containing class name : display name

[docs]class Plot_Hf(QWidget): """ Widget for plotting \|H(f)\|, frequency specs and the phase """ # incoming, connected in sender widget (locally connected to self.process_sig_rx() ) sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent): super(Plot_Hf, self).__init__(parent) self.needs_calc = True # flag whether plot needs to be updated self.needs_draw = True # flag whether plot needs to be redrawn self.tool_tip = "Magnitude and phase frequency response" self.tab_label = "|H(f)|" self.log_bottom = -80 self.lin_neg_bottom = -10 self._construct_ui() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None): """ Process signals coming from the navigation toolbar and from sig_rx """ logger.debug("SIG_RX - needs_calc = {0}, vis = {1}\n{2}"\ .format(self.needs_calc, self.isVisible(), pprint_log(dict_sig))) if self.isVisible(): if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'specs_changed' in dict_sig\ or 'home' in dict_sig or self.needs_calc: self.draw() self.needs_calc = False self.needs_draw = False if 'view_changed' in dict_sig or self.needs_draw: self.update_view() self.needs_draw = False else: if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'specs_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_calc = True if 'view_changed' in dict_sig: self.needs_draw = True
def _construct_ui(self): """ Define and construct the subwidgets """ modes = ['| H |', 're{H}', 'im{H}'] self.cmbShowH = QComboBox(self) self.cmbShowH.addItems(modes) self.cmbShowH.setObjectName("cmbUnitsH") self.cmbShowH.setToolTip("Show magnitude, real / imag. part of H or H \n" "without linear phase (acausal system).") self.cmbShowH.setCurrentIndex(0) self.lblIn = QLabel("in", self) units = ['dB', 'V', 'W', 'Auto'] self.cmbUnitsA = QComboBox(self) self.cmbUnitsA.addItems(units) self.cmbUnitsA.setObjectName("cmbUnitsA") self.cmbUnitsA.setToolTip("<span>Set unit for y-axis:\n" "dB is attenuation (positive values), V and W are gain (less than 1).</span>") self.cmbUnitsA.setCurrentIndex(0) self.lbl_log_bottom = QLabel("Bottom", self) self.led_log_bottom = QLineEdit(self) self.led_log_bottom.setText(str(self.log_bottom)) self.led_log_bottom.setToolTip("<span>Minimum display value for dB. scale.</span>") self.lbl_log_unit = QLabel("dB", self) self.cmbShowH.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.cmbUnitsA.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.chkZerophase = QCheckBox("Zero phase", self) self.chkZerophase.setToolTip("<span>Remove linear phase calculated from filter order.\n" "Attention: This makes no sense for a non-linear phase system!</span>") self.lblInset = QLabel("Inset", self) self.cmbInset = QComboBox(self) self.cmbInset.addItems(['off', 'edit', 'fixed']) self.cmbInset.setObjectName("cmbInset") self.cmbInset.setToolTip("Display/edit second inset plot") self.cmbInset.setCurrentIndex(0) self.inset_idx = 0 # store previous index for comparison self.chkSpecs = QCheckBox("Show Specs", self) self.chkSpecs.setChecked(False) self.chkSpecs.setToolTip("Display filter specs as hatched regions") self.chkPhase = QCheckBox("Phase", self) self.chkPhase.setToolTip("Overlay phase") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### frmControls ### # # This widget encompasses all control subwidgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- layHControls = QHBoxLayout() layHControls.addStretch(10) layHControls.addWidget(self.cmbShowH) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblIn) layHControls.addWidget(self.cmbUnitsA) layHControls.addStretch(1) layHControls.addWidget(self.lbl_log_bottom) layHControls.addWidget(self.led_log_bottom) layHControls.addWidget(self.lbl_log_unit) layHControls.addStretch(1) layHControls.addWidget(self.chkZerophase) layHControls.addStretch(1) layHControls.addWidget(self.lblInset) layHControls.addWidget(self.cmbInset) layHControls.addStretch(1) layHControls.addWidget(self.chkSpecs) layHControls.addStretch(1) layHControls.addWidget(self.chkPhase) layHControls.addStretch(10) self.frmControls = QFrame(self) self.frmControls.setObjectName("frmControls") self.frmControls.setLayout(layHControls) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ### mplwidget ### # # main widget, encompassing the other widgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.mplwidget = MplWidget(self) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.addWidget(self.frmControls) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_he.setEnabled(True) = "manual/plot_hf.html" self.setLayout(self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl) self.init_axes() self.draw() # calculate and draw |H(f)| #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cmbUnitsA.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.led_log_bottom.editingFinished.connect(self.update_view) self.cmbShowH.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.chkZerophase.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.cmbInset.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw_inset) self.chkSpecs.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.chkPhase.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_axes(self): """ Initialize and clear the axes (this is run only once) """ if len(self.mplwidget.fig.get_axes()) == 0: # empty figure, no axes = self.mplwidget.fig.subplots() # remove axis ticks on top # remove axis ticks right
[docs] def align_y_axes(self, ax1, ax2): """ Sets tick marks of twinx axes to line up with total number of ax1 tick marks """ ax1_ylims = ax1.get_ybound() # collect only visible ticks ax1_yticks = [t for t in ax1.get_yticks() if t >= ax1_ylims[0] and t <= ax1_ylims[1]] ax1_nticks = len(ax1_yticks) ax1_ydelta_lim = ax1_ylims[1] - ax1_ylims[0] # span of limits ax1_ydelta_vis = ax1_yticks[-1] - ax1_yticks[0] ax1_yoffset = ax1_yticks[0]-ax1_ylims[0] # offset between lower limit and first tick # calculate scale of Delta Limits / Delta Ticks ax1_scale = ax1_ydelta_lim / ax1_ydelta_vis ax2_ylims = ax2.get_ybound() ax2_yticks = ax2.get_yticks() ax2_nticks = len(ax2_yticks) #ax2_ydelta_lim = ax2_ylims[1] - ax2_ylims[0] ax2_ydelta_vis = ax2_yticks[-1] - ax2_yticks[0] ax2_ydelta_lim = ax2_ydelta_vis * ax1_scale ax2_scale = ax2_ydelta_lim / ax2_ydelta_vis # calculate new offset between lower limit and first tick ax2_yoffset = ax1_yoffset * ax2_ydelta_lim / ax1_ydelta_lim #logger.warning("Ticks: {0} # {1}".format(ax1_nticks, ax2_nticks)) ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax2_yticks[0], (ax2_yticks[1]-ax2_yticks[0]), ax1_nticks)) ax2_lim0 = ax2_yticks[0] - ax2_yoffset ax2.set_ybound(ax2_lim0, ax2_lim0 + ax2_ydelta_lim)
# ============================================================================= # # # # works, but both axes have ugly numbers # nticks = 11 # ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LinearLocator(nticks)) # self.ax_p.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LinearLocator(nticks)) # # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # # # # works, but second axis has ugly numbering # l_H = ax.get_ylim() # l_p = self.ax_p.get_ylim() # f = lambda x : l_p[0]+(x-l_H[0])/(l_H[1]-l_H[0])*(l_p[1]-l_p[0]) # ticks = f(ax.get_yticks()) # self.ax_p.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(ticks)) # # ============================================================================= # # # # manual setting: #self.ax_p.set_yticks( np.linspace(self.ax_p.get_ylim()[0],self.ax_p.get_ylim()[1],nbins) ) #ax1.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax1.get_ybound()[0], ax1.get_ybound()[1], 5)) #ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(ax2.get_ybound()[0], ax2.get_ybound()[1], 5)) # # use helper functions from matplotlib.ticker: # MaxNLocator: set no more than nbins + 1 ticks #self.ax_p.yaxis.set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins = nbins) ) # further options: integer = False, # prune = [‘lower’ | ‘upper’ | ‘both’ | None] Remove edge ticks # AutoLocator: #self.ax_p.yaxis.set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.AutoLocator() ) # LinearLocator: #self.ax_p.yaxis.set_major_locator( matplotlib.ticker.LinearLocator(numticks = nbins -1 ) ) # self.ax_p.locator_params(axis = 'y', nbins = nbins) # # self.ax_p.set_yticks(np.linspace(self.ax_p.get_ybound()[0], # self.ax_p.get_ybound()[1], # len( #N = source_ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks() #target_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(N)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def plot_spec_limits(self, ax): """ Plot the specifications limits (F_SB, A_SB, ...) as hatched areas with borders. """ hatch = params['mpl_hatch'] hatch_borders = params['mpl_hatch_border'] def dB(lin): return 20 * np.log10(lin) def _plot_specs(): # upper limits: ax.plot(F_lim_upl, A_lim_upl, F_lim_upc, A_lim_upc, F_lim_upr, A_lim_upr, **hatch_borders) if A_lim_upl: ax.fill_between(F_lim_upl, max(A_lim_upl), A_lim_upl, **hatch) if A_lim_upc: ax.fill_between(F_lim_upc, max(A_lim_upc), A_lim_upc, **hatch) if A_lim_upr: ax.fill_between(F_lim_upr, max(A_lim_upr), A_lim_upr, **hatch) # lower limits: ax.plot(F_lim_lol, A_lim_lol, F_lim_loc, A_lim_loc, F_lim_lor, A_lim_lor, **hatch_borders) if A_lim_lol: ax.fill_between(F_lim_lol, min(A_lim_lol), A_lim_lol, **hatch) if A_lim_loc: ax.fill_between(F_lim_loc, min(A_lim_loc), A_lim_loc, **hatch) if A_lim_lor: ax.fill_between(F_lim_lor, min(A_lim_lor), A_lim_lor, **hatch) if self.unitA == 'V': exp = 1. elif self.unitA == 'W': exp = 2. if self.unitA == 'dB': if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == "FIR": A_PB_max = dB(1 + self.A_PB) A_PB2_max = dB(1 + self.A_PB2) else: # IIR dB A_PB_max = A_PB2_max = 0 A_PB_min = dB(1 - self.A_PB) A_PB2_min = dB(1 - self.A_PB2) A_PB_minx = min(A_PB_min, A_PB2_min) - 5 A_PB_maxx = max(A_PB_max, A_PB2_max) + 5 A_SB = dB(self.A_SB) A_SB2 = dB(self.A_SB2) A_SB_maxx = max(A_SB, A_SB2) + 10 else: # 'V' or 'W' if fb.fil[0]['ft'] == "FIR": A_PB_max = (1 + self.A_PB)**exp A_PB2_max = (1 + self.A_PB2)**exp else: # IIR lin A_PB_max = A_PB2_max = 1 A_PB_min = (1 - self.A_PB)**exp A_PB2_min = (1 - self.A_PB2)**exp A_PB_minx = min(A_PB_min, A_PB2_min) / 1.05 A_PB_maxx = max(A_PB_max, A_PB2_max) * 1.05 A_SB = self.A_SB ** exp A_SB2 = self.A_SB2 ** exp A_SB_maxx = A_PB_min / 10. F_max = self.f_max/2 F_PB = self.F_PB F_SB = fb.fil[0]['F_SB'] * self.f_max F_SB2 = fb.fil[0]['F_SB2'] * self.f_max F_PB2 = fb.fil[0]['F_PB2'] * self.f_max F_lim_upl = F_lim_lol = [] # left side limits, lower and upper A_lim_upl = A_lim_lol = [] F_lim_upc = F_lim_loc = [] # center limits, lower and upper A_lim_upc = A_lim_loc = [] F_lim_upr = F_lim_lor = [] # right side limits, lower and upper A_lim_upr = A_lim_lor = [] if fb.fil[0]['rt'] == 'LP': F_lim_upl = [0, F_PB, F_PB] A_lim_upl = [A_PB_max, A_PB_max, A_PB_maxx] F_lim_lol = F_lim_upl A_lim_lol = [A_PB_min, A_PB_min, A_PB_minx] F_lim_upr = [F_SB, F_SB, F_max] A_lim_upr = [A_SB_maxx, A_SB, A_SB] if fb.fil[0]['rt'] == 'HP': F_lim_upl = [0, F_SB, F_SB] A_lim_upl = [A_SB, A_SB, A_SB_maxx] F_lim_upr = [F_PB, F_PB, F_max] A_lim_upr = [A_PB_maxx, A_PB_max, A_PB_max] F_lim_lor = F_lim_upr A_lim_lor = [A_PB_minx, A_PB_min, A_PB_min] if fb.fil[0]['rt'] == 'BS': F_lim_upl = [0, F_PB, F_PB] A_lim_upl = [A_PB_max, A_PB_max, A_PB_maxx] F_lim_lol = F_lim_upl A_lim_lol = [A_PB_min, A_PB_min, A_PB_minx] F_lim_upc = [F_SB, F_SB, F_SB2, F_SB2] A_lim_upc = [A_SB_maxx, A_SB, A_SB, A_SB_maxx] F_lim_upr = [F_PB2, F_PB2, F_max] A_lim_upr = [A_PB_maxx, A_PB2_max, A_PB2_max] F_lim_lor = F_lim_upr A_lim_lor = [A_PB_minx, A_PB2_min, A_PB2_min] if fb.fil[0]['rt'] == 'BP': F_lim_upl = [0, F_SB, F_SB] A_lim_upl = [A_SB, A_SB, A_SB_maxx] F_lim_upc = [F_PB, F_PB, F_PB2, F_PB2] A_lim_upc = [A_PB_maxx, A_PB_max, A_PB_max, A_PB_maxx] F_lim_loc = F_lim_upc A_lim_loc = [A_PB_minx, A_PB_min, A_PB_min, A_PB_minx] F_lim_upr = [F_SB2, F_SB2, F_max] A_lim_upr = [A_SB_maxx, A_SB2, A_SB2] if fb.fil[0]['rt'] == 'HIL': F_lim_upc = [F_PB, F_PB, F_PB2, F_PB2] A_lim_upc = [A_PB_maxx, A_PB_max, A_PB_max, A_PB_maxx] F_lim_loc = F_lim_upc A_lim_loc = [A_PB_minx, A_PB_min, A_PB_min, A_PB_minx] F_lim_upr = np.array(F_lim_upr) F_lim_lor = np.array(F_lim_lor) F_lim_upl = np.array(F_lim_upl) F_lim_lol = np.array(F_lim_lol) F_lim_upc = np.array(F_lim_upc) F_lim_loc = np.array(F_lim_loc) _plot_specs() # plot specs in the range 0 ... f_S/2 if fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] != 'half': # add plot limits for other half of the spectrum if fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] == 'sym': # frequency axis +/- f_S/2 F_lim_upl = -F_lim_upl F_lim_lol = -F_lim_lol F_lim_upc = -F_lim_upc F_lim_loc = -F_lim_loc F_lim_upr = -F_lim_upr F_lim_lor = -F_lim_lor else: # -> 'whole' F_lim_upl = self.f_max - F_lim_upl F_lim_lol = self.f_max - F_lim_lol F_lim_upc = self.f_max - F_lim_upc F_lim_loc = self.f_max - F_lim_loc F_lim_upr = self.f_max - F_lim_upr F_lim_lor = self.f_max - F_lim_lor _plot_specs()
[docs] def draw_inset(self): """ Construct / destruct second axes for an inset second plot """ # TODO: try ax1 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 6, loc=1) # zoom = 6 # TODO: choose size & position of inset, maybe dependent on filter type # or specs (i.e. where is passband etc.) # DEBUG # print(self.cmbInset.currentIndex(), self.mplwidget.fig.axes) # list of axes in Figure # for ax in self.mplwidget.fig.axes: # print(ax) # print("cmbInset, inset_idx:",self.cmbInset.currentIndex(), self.inset_idx) if self.cmbInset.currentIndex() > 0: if self.inset_idx == 0: # Inset was turned off before, create a new one # Add an axes at position rect [left, bottom, width, height]: self.ax_i = self.mplwidget.fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.61, .3, .3]) self.ax_i.clear() # clear old plot and specs # draw an opaque background with the extent of the inset plot: # self.ax_i.patch.set_facecolor('green') # without label area # self.mplwidget.fig.patch.set_facecolor('green') # whole figure extent = self.mplwidget.get_full_extent(self.ax_i, pad = 0.0) # Transform this back to figure coordinates - otherwise, it # won't behave correctly when the size of the plot is changed: extent = extent.transformed(self.mplwidget.fig.transFigure.inverted()) rect = Rectangle((extent.xmin, extent.ymin), extent.width, extent.height, facecolor=rcParams['figure.facecolor'], edgecolor='none', transform=self.mplwidget.fig.transFigure, zorder=-1) self.ax_i.patches.append(rect) self.ax_i.set_xlim(fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRange']) self.ax_i.plot(self.F, self.H_plt) if self.cmbInset.currentIndex() == 1: # edit / navigate inset self.ax_i.set_navigate(True) if self.chkSpecs.isChecked(): self.plot_spec_limits(self.ax_i) else: # edit / navigate main plot self.ax_i.set_navigate(False) else: # inset has been turned off, delete it try: #remove ax_i from the figure self.mplwidget.fig.delaxes(self.ax_i) except AttributeError: pass self.inset_idx = self.cmbInset.currentIndex() # update index self.draw()
[docs] def draw_phase(self, ax): """ Draw phase on second y-axis in the axes system passed as the argument """ if hasattr(self, 'ax_p'): self.mplwidget.fig.delaxes(self.ax_p) del self.ax_p # try: # self.mplwidget.fig.delaxes(self.ax_p) # except (KeyError, AttributeError): # pass if self.chkPhase.isChecked(): self.ax_p = ax.twinx() # second axes system with same x-axis for phase self.ax_p.is_twin = True # mark this as 'twin' to suppress second grid in mpl_widget # phi_str = r'$\angle H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})$' if fb.fil[0]['plt_phiUnit'] == 'rad': phi_str += ' in rad ' + r'$\rightarrow $' scale = 1. elif fb.fil[0]['plt_phiUnit'] == 'rad/pi': phi_str += ' in rad' + r'$ / \pi \;\rightarrow $' scale = 1./ np.pi else: phi_str += ' in deg ' + r'$\rightarrow $' scale = 180./np.pi # replace nan and inf by finite values, otherwise np.unwrap yields # an array full of nans phi = np.angle(np.nan_to_num(self.H_c)) #----------------------------------------------------------- self.ax_p.plot(self.F,np.unwrap(phi)*scale, 'g-.', label = "Phase") #----------------------------------------------------------- self.ax_p.set_ylabel(phi_str)
[docs] def calc_hf(self): """ (Re-)Calculate the complex frequency response H(f) """ # calculate H_cmplx(W) (complex) for W = 0 ... 2 pi: self.W, self.H_cmplx = calc_Hcomplex(fb.fil[0], params['N_FFT'], True)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Re-calculate \|H(f)\| and draw the figure """ self.calc_hf() self.update_view()
[docs] def update_view(self): """ Draw the figure with new limits, scale etc without recalculating H(f) """ # suppress "divide by zero in log10" warnings old_settings_seterr = np.seterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') # Get corners for spec display from the parameters of the target specs subwidget try: param_list = fb.fil_tree[fb.fil[0]['rt']][fb.fil[0]['ft']]\ [fb.fil[0]['fc']][fb.fil[0]['fo']]['tspecs'][1]['amp'] except KeyError: param_list = [] SB = [l for l in param_list if 'A_SB' in l] PB = [l for l in param_list if 'A_PB' in l] if SB: A_min = min([fb.fil[0][l] for l in SB]) else: A_min = 5e-4 if PB: A_max = max([fb.fil[0][l] for l in PB]) else: A_max = 1 if np.all(self.W) is None: # H(f) has not been calculated yet self.calc_hf() if self.cmbUnitsA.currentText() == 'Auto': self.unitA = fb.fil[0]['amp_specs_unit'] else: self.unitA = self.cmbUnitsA.currentText() # only display log bottom widget for unit dB self.lbl_log_bottom.setVisible(self.unitA == 'dB') self.led_log_bottom.setVisible(self.unitA == 'dB') self.lbl_log_unit.setVisible(self.unitA == 'dB') # Linphase settings only makes sense for amplitude plot and # for plottin real/imag. part of H, not its magnitude self.chkZerophase.setCheckable(self.unitA == 'V') self.chkZerophase.setEnabled(self.unitA == 'V') self.specs = self.chkSpecs.isChecked() self.f_max = fb.fil[0]['f_max'] self.F_PB = fb.fil[0]['F_PB'] * self.f_max self.f_maxB = fb.fil[0]['F_SB'] * self.f_max self.A_PB = fb.fil[0]['A_PB'] self.A_PB2 = fb.fil[0]['A_PB2'] self.A_SB = fb.fil[0]['A_SB'] self.A_SB2 = fb.fil[0]['A_SB2'] f_lim = fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRange'] #========= select frequency range to be displayed ===================== #=== shift, scale and select: W -> F, H_cplx -> H_c self.F = self.W / (2 * np.pi) * self.f_max if fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] == 'sym': # shift H and F by f_S/2 self.H_c = np.fft.fftshift(self.H_cmplx) self.F -= self.f_max/2. elif fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] == 'half': # only use the first half of H and F self.H_c = self.H_cmplx[0:params['N_FFT']//2] self.F = self.F[0:params['N_FFT']//2] else: # fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] == 'whole' # use H and F as calculated self.H_c = self.H_cmplx # now calculate mag / real / imaginary part of H_c: if self.chkZerophase.isChecked(): # remove the linear phase self.H_c = self.H_c * np.exp(1j * self.W[0:len(self.F)] * fb.fil[0]["N"]/2.) if self.cmbShowH.currentIndex() == 0: # show magnitude of H H = abs(self.H_c) H_str = r'$|H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})|$' elif self.cmbShowH.currentIndex() == 1: # show real part of H H = self.H_c.real H_str = r'$\Re \{H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})\}$' else: # show imag. part of H H = self.H_c.imag H_str = r'$\Im \{H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})\}$' #================ Main Plotting Routine ========================= #=== clear the axes and (re)draw the plot (if selectable) if if self.unitA == 'dB': self.log_bottom = safe_eval(self.led_log_bottom.text(), self.log_bottom, return_type='float', sign='neg') self.led_log_bottom.setText(str(self.log_bottom)) self.H_plt = np.maximum(20*np.log10(abs(H)), self.log_bottom) A_lim = [self.log_bottom, 2] H_str += ' in dB ' + r'$\rightarrow$' elif self.unitA == 'V': # 'lin' self.H_plt = H if self.cmbShowH.currentIndex() != 0: # H can be less than zero A_min = max(self.lin_neg_bottom, np.nanmin(self.H_plt[np.isfinite(self.H_plt)])) else: A_min = 0 A_lim = [A_min, (1.05 + A_max)] H_str +=' in V ' + r'$\rightarrow $', color='k') # horizontal line at 0 else: # unit is W A_lim = [0, (1.03 + A_max)**2.] self.H_plt = H * H.conj() H_str += ' in W ' + r'$\rightarrow $' #logger.debug("lim: {0}, min: {1}, max: {2} - {3}".format(A_lim, A_min, A_max, self.H_plt[0])) #-----------------------------------------------------------, self.H_plt, label = 'H(f)') # TODO: self.draw_inset() # this gives an infinite recursion self.draw_phase( #----------------------------------------------------------- #============= Set Limits and draw specs ========================= if self.chkSpecs.isChecked(): self.plot_spec_limits( # self.ax_bounds = [[0],[1]]#,] # logger.warning("set limits")[0]['plt_fLabel'])'Magnitude Frequency Response') # enable minor ticks # enable minor ticks np.seterr(**old_settings_seterr) self.redraw()
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Redraw the canvas when e.g. the canvas size has changed """ if hasattr(self, 'ax_p'): # Align gridlines between H(f) and phi nicely self.align_y_axes(, self.ax_p) self.mplwidget.redraw()
#logger.warning("redraw") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): import sys from pyfda.libs.compat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainw = Plot_Hf(None) app.setActiveWindow(mainw) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # module test using python -m pyfda.plot_widgets.plot_hf