Source code for pyfda.plot_widgets.plot_3d

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

Widget for plotting \|H(z)\| in 3D
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pyfda.libs.compat import (QCheckBox, QWidget, QComboBox, QLabel, QLineEdit, QDial,
                      QGridLayout, QFrame, pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal)

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, ones, sin, cos, log10
import scipy.signal as sig

import pyfda.filterbroker as fb
from pyfda.pyfda_rc import params
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_lib import H_mag, mod_version, safe_eval
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_qt_lib import qget_cmb_box
from pyfda.plot_widgets.mpl_widget import MplWidget

from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d # import to register 3D projection
from matplotlib import cm # Colormap
from matplotlib.pyplot import colormaps
from matplotlib.colors import LightSource

classes = {'Plot_3D':'3D'} #: Dict containing class name : display name


if mod_version('mayavi'):
    from mayavi import mlab
    MLAB = True
    MLAB = False

if mod_version('vispy'):
    from vispy import plot #(?)
    HAS_VISPY = True
    HAS_VISPY = False

[docs]class Plot_3D(QWidget): """ Class for various 3D-plots: - lin / log line plot of H(f) - lin / log surf plot of H(z) - optional display of poles / zeros """ # incoming, connected in sender widget (locally connected to self.process_signals() ) sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) # sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing from process_signals def __init__(self, parent): super(Plot_3D, self).__init__(parent) self.zmin = 0 self.zmax = 4 self.zmin_dB = -80 self.cmap_default = 'RdYlBu' self.data_changed = True # flag whether data has changed self.tool_tip = "3D magnitude response |H(z)|" self.tab_label = "3D" self._construct_UI() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None): """ Process signals coming from the navigation toolbar and from ``sig_rx`` """ logger.debug("Processing {0} | data_changed = {1}, visible = {2}"\ .format(dict_sig, self.data_changed, self.isVisible())) if self.isVisible(): if 'data_changed' in dict_sig or 'home' in dict_sig or self.data_changed: self.draw() self.data_changed = False else: if 'data_changed' in dict_sig: self.data_changed = True
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): self.chkLog = QCheckBox("Log.", self) self.chkLog.setObjectName("chkLog") self.chkLog.setToolTip("Logarithmic scale") self.chkLog.setChecked(False) self.chk_plot_in_UC = QCheckBox("|z| < 1", self) self.chk_plot_in_UC.setObjectName("chk_plot_in_UC") self.chk_plot_in_UC.setToolTip("Only plot H(z) within the unit circle") self.chk_plot_in_UC.setChecked(False) self.lblBottom = QLabel("Bottom:", self) self.ledBottom = QLineEdit(self) self.ledBottom.setObjectName("ledBottom") self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.ledBottom.setToolTip("Minimum display value.") self.lblBottomdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(self.chkLog.isChecked()) self.lblTop = QLabel("Top:", self) self.ledTop = QLineEdit(self) self.ledTop.setObjectName("ledTop") self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.ledTop.setToolTip("Maximum display value.") self.lblTopdB = QLabel("dB", self) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(self.chkLog.isChecked()) self.chkUC = QCheckBox("UC", self) self.chkUC.setObjectName("chkUC") self.chkUC.setToolTip("Plot unit circle") self.chkUC.setChecked(True) self.chkPZ = QCheckBox("P/Z", self) self.chkPZ.setObjectName("chkPZ") self.chkPZ.setToolTip("Plot poles and zeros") self.chkPZ.setChecked(True) self.chkHf = QCheckBox("H(f)", self) self.chkHf.setObjectName("chkHf") self.chkHf.setToolTip("Plot H(f) along the unit circle") self.chkHf.setChecked(True) modes = ['None', 'Mesh', 'Surf', 'Contour'] self.cmbMode3D = QComboBox(self) self.cmbMode3D.addItems(modes) self.cmbMode3D.setObjectName("cmbShow3D") self.cmbMode3D.setToolTip("Select 3D-plot mode.") self.cmbMode3D.setCurrentIndex(0) self.cmbMode3D.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.chkColormap_r = QCheckBox("reverse", self) self.chkColormap_r.setToolTip("reverse colormap") self.chkColormap_r.setChecked(True) self.cmbColormap = QComboBox(self) self._init_cmb_colormap(cmap_init=self.cmap_default) self.cmbColormap.setToolTip("Select colormap") self.chkColBar = QCheckBox("Colorbar", self) self.chkColBar.setObjectName("chkColBar") self.chkColBar.setToolTip("Show colorbar") self.chkColBar.setChecked(False) self.chkLighting = QCheckBox("Lighting", self) self.chkLighting.setObjectName("chkLighting") self.chkLighting.setToolTip("Enable light source") self.chkLighting.setChecked(False) self.lblAlpha = QLabel("Alpha", self) self.diaAlpha = QDial(self) self.diaAlpha.setRange(0., 10.) self.diaAlpha.setValue(10) self.diaAlpha.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaAlpha.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaAlpha.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaAlpha.setWrapping(False) self.diaAlpha.setToolTip("<span>Set transparency for surf and contour plots.</span>") self.lblHatch = QLabel("Stride", self) self.diaHatch = QDial(self) self.diaHatch.setRange(0., 9.) self.diaHatch.setValue(5) self.diaHatch.setTracking(False) # produce less events when turning self.diaHatch.setFixedHeight(30) self.diaHatch.setFixedWidth(30) self.diaHatch.setWrapping(False) self.diaHatch.setToolTip("Set line density for various plots.") self.chkContour2D = QCheckBox("Contour2D", self) self.chkContour2D.setObjectName("chkContour2D") self.chkContour2D.setToolTip("Plot 2D-contours at z =0") self.chkContour2D.setChecked(False) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LAYOUT for UI widgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- layGControls = QGridLayout() layGControls.addWidget(self.chkLog, 0, 0) layGControls.addWidget(self.chk_plot_in_UC, 1, 0) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblTop, 0, 2) layGControls.addWidget(self.ledTop, 0, 4) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblTopdB, 0, 5) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblBottom, 1, 2) layGControls.addWidget(self.ledBottom, 1, 4) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblBottomdB, 1, 5) layGControls.setColumnStretch(5,1) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkUC, 0, 6) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkHf, 1, 6) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkPZ, 0, 8) layGControls.addWidget(self.cmbMode3D, 0, 10) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkContour2D, 1, 10) layGControls.addWidget(self.cmbColormap, 0,12,1,1) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkColormap_r, 1,12) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkLighting, 0, 14) layGControls.addWidget(self.chkColBar, 1, 14) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblAlpha, 0, 15) layGControls.addWidget(self.diaAlpha, 0, 16) layGControls.addWidget(self.lblHatch, 1, 15) layGControls.addWidget(self.diaHatch, 1, 16) # This widget encompasses all control subwidgets self.frmControls = QFrame(self) self.frmControls.setObjectName("frmControls") self.frmControls.setLayout(layGControls) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mplwidget #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the plot pane widget, encompassing the other widgets self.mplwidget = MplWidget(self) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.addWidget(self.frmControls) self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_he.setEnabled(True) = "manual/plot_3d.html" self.setLayout(self.mplwidget.layVMainMpl) self._init_grid() # initialize grid and do initial plot #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.chkLog.clicked.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledBottom.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.ledTop.editingFinished.connect(self._log_clicked) self.chk_plot_in_UC.clicked.connect(self._init_grid) self.chkUC.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.chkHf.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.chkPZ.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.cmbMode3D.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.chkColBar.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.cmbColormap.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.draw) self.chkColormap_r.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.chkLighting.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.diaAlpha.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.diaHatch.valueChanged.connect(self.draw) self.chkContour2D.clicked.connect(self.draw) self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.enable_plot(state = False) # disable initially #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _init_cmb_colormap(self, cmap_init): """ Initialize combobox with available colormaps and try to set it to `cmap_init` Since matplotlib 3.2 the reversed "*_r" colormaps are no longer contained in `cm.datad`. They are now obtained by using the `reversed()` method (much simpler!) `cm.datad` doesn't return the "new" colormaps like viridis, instead the `colormaps()` method is used. """ self.cmbColormap.addItems([m for m in colormaps() if not m.endswith("_r")]) idx = self.cmbColormap.findText(cmap_init) if idx == -1: idx = 0 self.cmbColormap.setCurrentIndex(idx) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _init_grid(self): """ Initialize (x,y,z) coordinate grid + (re)draw plot.""" phi_UC = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, 400, endpoint=True) # angles for unit circle self.xy_UC = np.exp(1j * phi_UC) # x,y coordinates of unity circle steps = 100 # number of steps for x, y, r, phi # self.xmin = -1.5; self.xmax = 1.5 # cartesian range limits self.ymin = -1.5; self.ymax = 1.5 rmin = 0; rmax = 1 # polar range limits # Calculate grids for 3D-Plots dr = rmax / steps * 2 # grid size for polar range dx = (self.xmax - self.xmin) / steps dy = (self.ymax - self.ymin) / steps # grid size cartesian range if self.chk_plot_in_UC.isChecked(): # # Plot circular range in 3D-Plot [r, phi] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(rmin, rmax, dr), np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, steps, endpoint=True)) self.x = r * cos(phi) self.y = r * sin(phi) else: # cartesian grid [self.x, self.y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.xmin, self.xmax, dx), np.arange(self.ymin, self.ymax, dy)) self.z = self.x + 1j*self.y # create coordinate grid for complex plane self.draw() # initial plot #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_axes(self): """ Initialize and clear the axes to get rid of colorbar The azimuth / elevation / distance settings of the camera are restored after clearing the axes. See """ self._save_axes() self.mplwidget.fig.clf() # needed to get rid of colorbar self.ax3d = self.mplwidget.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') #self.ax3d = self.mplwidget.fig.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, projection='3d') self._restore_axes()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _save_axes(self): """ Store x/y/z - limits and camera position """ try: self.azim = self.ax3d.azim self.elev = self.ax3d.elev self.dist = self.ax3d.dist self.xlim = self.ax3d.get_xlim3d() self.ylim = self.ax3d.get_ylim3d() self.zlim = self.ax3d.get_zlim3d() except AttributeError: # not yet initialized, set standard values self.azim = -65 self.elev = 30 self.dist = 10 self.xlim = (self.xmin, self.xmax) self.ylim = (self.ymin, self.ymax) self.zlim = (self.zmin, self.zmax) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _restore_axes(self): """ Restore x/y/z - limits and camera position """ if self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_lk.isChecked(): self.ax3d.set_xlim3d(self.xlim) self.ax3d.set_ylim3d(self.ylim) self.ax3d.set_zlim3d(self.zlim) self.ax3d.azim = self.azim self.ax3d.elev = self.elev self.ax3d.dist = self.dist #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _log_clicked(self): """ Change scale and settings to log / lin when log setting is changed Update min / max settings when lineEdits have been edited """ self.log = self.chkLog.isChecked() if self.sender().objectName() == 'chkLog': # clicking chkLog triggered the slot if self.log: self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = np.round(20 * log10(self.zmax), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(True) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(True) else: self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = np.round(10**(self.zmax_dB / 20), 2) self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.lblTopdB.setVisible(False) self.lblBottomdB.setVisible(False) else: # finishing a lineEdit field triggered the slot if self.log: self.zmin_dB = safe_eval(self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin_dB, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin_dB)) self.zmax_dB = safe_eval(self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax_dB, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax_dB)) else: self.zmin = safe_eval(self.ledBottom.text(), self.zmin, return_type='float') self.ledBottom.setText(str(self.zmin)) self.zmax = safe_eval(self.ledTop.text(), self.zmax, return_type='float') self.ledTop.setText(str(self.zmax)) self.draw() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def draw(self): """ Main drawing entry point: perform the actual plot """ self.draw_3d()
[docs] def draw_3d(self): """ Draw various 3D plots """ self.init_axes() bb = fb.fil[0]['ba'][0] aa = fb.fil[0]['ba'][1] zz = np.array(fb.fil[0]['zpk'][0]) pp = np.array(fb.fil[0]['zpk'][1]) wholeF = fb.fil[0]['freqSpecsRangeType'] != 'half' # not used f_S = fb.fil[0]['f_S'] N_FFT = params['N_FFT'] alpha = self.diaAlpha.value()/10. cmap = cm.get_cmap(str(self.cmbColormap.currentText())) if self.chkColormap_r.isChecked(): cmap = cmap.reversed() # use reversed colormap # Number of Lines /step size for H(f) stride, mesh, contour3d: stride = 10 - self.diaHatch.value() NL = 3 * self.diaHatch.value() + 5 surf_enabled = qget_cmb_box(self.cmbMode3D, data=False) in {'Surf', 'Contour'} self.cmbColormap.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.chkColormap_r.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.chkLighting.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.chkColBar.setEnabled(surf_enabled) self.diaAlpha.setEnabled(surf_enabled or self.chkContour2D.isChecked()) #cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=values[-1]) #scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate H(w) along the upper half of unity circle #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [w, H] = sig.freqz(bb, aa, worN=N_FFT, whole=True) H = np.nan_to_num(H) # replace nans and inf by finite numbers H_abs = abs(H) H_max = max(H_abs) H_min = min(H_abs) #f = w / (2 * pi) * f_S # translate w to absolute frequencies #F_min = f[np.argmin(H_abs)] plevel_rel = 1.05 # height of plotted pole position relative to zmax zlevel_rel = 0.1 # height of plotted zero position relative to zmax if self.chkLog.isChecked(): # logarithmic scale # suppress "divide by zero in log10" warnings old_settings_seterr = np.seterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore') bottom = np.floor(max(self.zmin_dB, 20*log10(H_min)) / 10) * 10 top = self.zmax_dB top_bottom = top - bottom zlevel = bottom - top_bottom * zlevel_rel if self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'None': # "Poleposition" for H(f) plot only plevel_top = 2 * bottom - zlevel # height of displayed pole position plevel_btm = bottom else: plevel_top = top + top_bottom * (plevel_rel - 1) plevel_btm = top np.seterr(**old_settings_seterr) else: # linear scale bottom = max(self.zmin, H_min) # min. display value top = self.zmax # max. display value top_bottom = top - bottom # top = zmax_rel * H_max # calculate display top from max. of H(f) zlevel = bottom + top_bottom * zlevel_rel # height of displayed zero position if self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'None': # "Poleposition" for H(f) plot only #H_max = np.clip(max(H_abs), 0, self.zmax) # make height of displayed poles same to zeros plevel_top = bottom + top_bottom * zlevel_rel plevel_btm = bottom else: plevel_top = plevel_rel * top plevel_btm = top # calculate H(jw)| along the unity circle and |H(z)|, each clipped # between bottom and top H_UC = H_mag(bb, aa, self.xy_UC, top, H_min=bottom, log=self.chkLog.isChecked()) Hmag = H_mag(bb, aa, self.z, top, H_min=bottom, log=self.chkLog.isChecked()) #=============================================================== ## plot Unit Circle (UC) #=============================================================== if self.chkUC.isChecked(): # Plot unit circle and marker at (1,0): self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, ones(len(self.xy_UC)) * bottom, lw=2, color='k') self.ax3d.plot([0.97, 1.03], [0, 0], [bottom, bottom], lw=2, color='k') #=============================================================== ## plot ||H(f)| along unit circle as 3D-lineplot #=============================================================== if self.chkHf.isChecked(): self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, H_UC, alpha = 0.8, lw=4) # draw once more as dashed white line to improve visibility self.ax3d.plot(self.xy_UC.real, self.xy_UC.imag, H_UC, 'w--', lw=4) if stride < 10: # plot thin vertical line every stride points on the UC for k in range(len(self.xy_UC[::stride])): self.ax3d.plot([self.xy_UC.real[::stride][k], self.xy_UC.real[::stride][k]], [self.xy_UC.imag[::stride][k], self.xy_UC.imag[::stride][k]], [np.ones(len(self.xy_UC[::stride]))[k]*bottom, H_UC[::stride][k]], linewidth=1, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) #=============================================================== ## plot Poles and Zeros #=============================================================== if self.chkPZ.isChecked(): PN_SIZE = 8 # size of P/N symbols # Plot zero markers at |H(z_i)| = zlevel with "stems": self.ax3d.plot(zz.real, zz.imag, ones(len(zz)) * zlevel, 'o', markersize=PN_SIZE, markeredgecolor='blue', markeredgewidth=2.0, markerfacecolor='none') for k in range(len(zz)): # plot zero "stems" self.ax3d.plot([zz[k].real, zz[k].real], [zz[k].imag, zz[k].imag], [bottom, zlevel], linewidth=1, color='b') # Plot the poles at |H(z_p)| = plevel with "stems": self.ax3d.plot(np.real(pp), np.imag(pp), plevel_top, 'x', markersize=PN_SIZE, markeredgewidth=2.0, markeredgecolor='red') for k in range(len(pp)): # plot pole "stems" self.ax3d.plot([pp[k].real, pp[k].real], [pp[k].imag, pp[k].imag], [plevel_btm, plevel_top], linewidth=1, color='r') #=============================================================== ## 3D-Plots of |H(z)| clipped between |H(z)| = top #=============================================================== m_cb = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap) # normalized proxy object that is mappable m_cb.set_array(Hmag) # for colorbar #--------------------------------------------------------------- ## 3D-mesh plot #--------------------------------------------------------------- if self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Mesh': # fig_mlab = mlab.figure(fgcolor=(0., 0., 0.), bgcolor=(1, 1, 1)) # self.ax3d.set_zlim(0,2) self.ax3d.plot_wireframe(self.x, self.y, Hmag, rstride=5, cstride=stride, linewidth=1, color='gray') #--------------------------------------------------------------- ## 3D-surface plot #--------------------------------------------------------------- # elif self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Surf': if MLAB: ## Mayavi surf =, self.y, H_mag, colormap='RdYlBu', warp_scale='auto') # Change the visualization parameters. = 'phong' = 0.1 = 5 # s = mlab.contour_surf(self.x, self.y, Hmag, contour_z=0) else: if self.chkLighting.isChecked(): ls = LightSource(azdeg=0, altdeg=65) # Create light source object rgb = ls.shade(Hmag, cmap=cmap) # Shade data, creating an rgb array cmap_surf = None else: rgb = None cmap_surf = cmap # s = self.ax3d.plot_surface(self.x, self.y, Hmag, # alpha=OPT_3D_ALPHA, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cmap, # linewidth=0, antialiased=False, shade=True, facecolors = rgb) # s.set_edgecolor('gray') s = self.ax3d.plot_surface(self.x, self.y, Hmag, alpha=alpha, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0, antialiased=False, facecolors=rgb, cmap=cmap_surf, shade=True) s.set_edgecolor(None) #--------------------------------------------------------------- ## 3D-Contour plot #--------------------------------------------------------------- elif self.cmbMode3D.currentText() == 'Contour': s = self.ax3d.contourf3D(self.x, self.y, Hmag, NL, alpha=alpha, cmap=cmap) #--------------------------------------------------------------- ## 2D-Contour plot # TODO: 2D contour plots do not plot correctly together with 3D plots in # current matplotlib 1.4.3 -> disable them for now # TODO: zdir = x / y delivers unexpected results -> rather plot max(H) # along the other axis? # TODO: colormap is created depending on the zdir = 'z' contour plot # -> set limits of (all) other plots manually? if self.chkContour2D.isChecked(): # self.ax3d.contourf(x, y, Hmag, 20, zdir='x', offset=xmin, # cmap=cmap, alpha = alpha)#, vmin = bottom)#, vmax = top, vmin = bottom) # self.ax3d.contourf(x, y, Hmag, 20, zdir='y', offset=ymax, # cmap=cmap, alpha = alpha)#, vmin = bottom)#, vmax = top, vmin = bottom) s = self.ax3d.contourf(self.x, self.y, Hmag, NL, zdir='z', offset=bottom - (top - bottom) * 0.05, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha) # plot colorbar for suitable plot modes if self.chkColBar.isChecked() and (self.chkContour2D.isChecked() or str(self.cmbMode3D.currentText()) in {'Contour', 'Surf'}): self.colb = self.mplwidget.fig.colorbar(m_cb, ax=self.ax3d, shrink=0.8, aspect=20, pad=0.02, fraction=0.08) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set view limits and labels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not self.mplwidget.mplToolbar.a_lk.isChecked(): self.ax3d.set_xlim3d(self.xmin, self.xmax) self.ax3d.set_ylim3d(self.ymin, self.ymax) self.ax3d.set_zlim3d(bottom, top) else: self._restore_axes() self.ax3d.set_xlabel('Re')#(fb.fil[0]['plt_fLabel']) self.ax3d.set_ylabel('Im') #(r'$ \tau_g(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega}) / T_S \; \rightarrow $') # self.ax3d.set_zlabel(r'$|H(z)|\; \rightarrow $') self.ax3d.set_title(r'3D-Plot of $|H(\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{j} \Omega})|$ and $|H(z)|$') self.redraw()
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Redraw the canvas when e.g. the canvas size has changed """ self.mplwidget.redraw()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): import sys from pyfda.libs.compat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainw = Plot_3D(None) app.setActiveWindow(mainw) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # module test using python -m pyfda.plot_widgets.plot_3d