Source code for pyfda.input_widgets.input_tab_widgets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

Tabbed container for all input widgets
import sys
import importlib
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pyfda.libs.compat import QTabWidget, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QScrollArea, pyqtSignal


from pyfda.pyfda_rc import params
import pyfda.filterbroker as fb
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_lib import pprint_log

[docs]class InputTabWidgets(QWidget): """ Create a tabbed widget for all input subwidgets in the list ``fb.input_widgets_list``. This list is compiled at startup in :class:`pyfda.tree_builder.Tree_Builder`. """ # signals as class variables (shared between instances if more than one exists) # incoming, connected here to individual senders, passed on to process sigmals sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) # outgoing, connected in receiver (pyfdax -> plot_tab_widgets) sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent): super(InputTabWidgets, self).__init__(parent) self._construct_UI() def _construct_UI(self): """ Initialize UI with tabbed subwidgets: Instantiate dynamically each widget from the dict `fb.input_classes` and try to - set the TabToolTip from the instance attribute `tool_tip` - set the tab label from the instance attribute `tab_label` for each widget. - connect the available signals of all subwidgets (not all widgets have both `sig_rx` and `sig_tx` signals). - `self.sig_rx` is distributed to all `inst.sig_rx` signals - all `inst.sig_tx` signals are collected in `self.sig_tx` - `self.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx)` distributes incoming signals (via pyfdax or coming from the input widgets) among all input widgets. In order to prevent infinite loops, every widget needs to block in- coming signals with its own name! """ tabWidget = QTabWidget(self) n_wdg = 0 # number and ... inst_wdg_str = "" # ... full names of successfully instantiated widgets for input_class in fb.input_classes: try: mod_fq_name = fb.input_classes[input_class]['mod'] # fully qualified module name mod = importlib.import_module(mod_fq_name) wdg_class = getattr(mod, input_class) # and instantiate it inst = wdg_class(self) except ImportError as e: logger.warning('Class "{0}" could not be imported from {1}:\n{2}.'\ .format(input_class, mod_fq_name, e)) continue # unsuccessful, try next widget if hasattr(inst, "state") and inst.state == "deactivated": continue # with next widget if hasattr(inst, 'tab_label'): tabWidget.addTab(inst, inst.tab_label) else: tabWidget.addTab(inst, "not set") if hasattr(inst, 'tool_tip'): tabWidget.setTabToolTip(n_wdg, inst.tool_tip) if hasattr(inst, 'sig_tx'): inst.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_tx) if hasattr(inst, 'sig_rx'): self.sig_rx.connect(inst.sig_rx) n_wdg += 1 # successfully instantiated one more widget inst_wdg_str += '\t' + mod_fq_name + "." + input_class + '\n' if len(inst_wdg_str) == 0: logger.critical("No input widgets found!") sys.exit() else: logger.debug("Imported {0:d} input classes:\n{1}" .format(n_wdg, inst_wdg_str)) # # TODO: document signal options #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #self.sig_rx.connect(inst.sig_rx) # happens in _construct_UI() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx) # loop back to local inputs # self.sig_rx.connect(self.log_rx) # enable for debugging # When user has selected a different tab, trigger a redraw of current tab tabWidget.currentChanged.connect(self.current_tab_changed) # The following does not work: maybe current scope must be left? # tabWidget.currentChanged.connect(tabWidget.currentWidget().redraw) layVMain = QVBoxLayout() #setContentsMargins -> number of pixels between frame window border layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) #-------------------------------------- if SCROLL: scroll = QScrollArea(self) scroll.setWidget(tabWidget) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) # Size of monitored widget is allowed to grow: layVMain.addWidget(scroll) else: layVMain.addWidget(tabWidget) # add the tabWidget directly self.setLayout(layVMain) # set the main layout of the window #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def log_rx(self, dict_sig=None): """ Enable `self.sig_rx.connect(self.log_rx)` above for debugging. """ if type(dict_sig) == dict: logger.warning("SIG_RX\n{0}"\ .format(pprint_log(dict_sig))) else: logger.warning("empty dict")
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def current_tab_changed(self): self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'ui_changed':'tab'})
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): from pyfda import pyfda_rc as rc from pyfda.libs.compat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setStyleSheet(rc.qss_rc) mainw = InputTabWidgets(None) app.setActiveWindow(mainw) sys.exit(app.exec_()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()