Source code for pyfda.input_widgets.input_specs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

Widget stacking all subwidgets for filter specification and design. The actual
filter design is started here as well.
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pyfda.libs.compat import (QWidget, QLabel, QFrame, QPushButton, pyqtSignal,
                      QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout)

import pyfda.filterbroker as fb
import pyfda.filter_factory as ff
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_lib import pprint_log
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_qt_lib import qstyle_widget
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_io_lib import load_filter, save_filter
from pyfda.pyfda_rc import params

from pyfda.input_widgets import (select_filter, amplitude_specs,
                                 freq_specs, freq_units,
                                 weight_specs, target_specs)
classes = {'Input_Specs':'Specs'} #: Dict containing class name : display name

[docs]class Input_Specs(QWidget): """ Build widget for entering all filter specs """ # class variables (shared between instances if more than one exists) sig_rx_local = pyqtSignal(object) # incoming from subwidgets -> process_sig_rx_local sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) # incoming from subwidgets -> process_sig_rx sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) # from process_sig_rx: propagate local signals def __init__(self, parent): super(Input_Specs, self).__init__(parent) self.tab_label = "Specs" self.tool_tip = "Enter and view filter specifications." self._construct_UI()
[docs] def process_sig_rx_local(self, dict_sig=None): """ Flag signals coming in from local subwidgets with `propagate=True` before proceeding with processing in `process_sig_rx`. """ self.process_sig_rx(dict_sig, propagate=True)
[docs] def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None, propagate=False): """ Process signals coming in via subwidgets and sig_rx All signals terminate here unless the flag `propagate=True`. The sender name of signals coming in from local subwidgets is changed to its parent widget (`input_specs`) to prevent infinite loops. """ logger.debug("Processing {0}: {1}".format(type(dict_sig).__name__, dict_sig)) if dict_sig['sender'] == __name__: logger.debug("Stopped infinite loop:\n{0}\tpropagate={1}"\ .format(pprint_log(dict_sig),propagate)) return elif 'view_changed' in dict_sig: self.f_specs.load_dict() self.t_specs.load_dict() elif 'specs_changed' in dict_sig: self.f_specs.sort_dict_freqs() self.t_specs.f_specs.sort_dict_freqs() self.color_design_button("changed") elif 'filt_changed' in dict_sig: # Changing the filter design requires updating UI because number or # kind of input fields changes -> call update_UI self.update_UI(dict_sig) self.color_design_button("changed") elif 'data_changed' in dict_sig: if dict_sig['data_changed'] == 'filter_loaded': """ Called when a new filter has been LOADED: Pass new filter data from the global filter dict by specifically calling SelectFilter.load_dict() """ self.sel_fil.load_dict() # update select_filter widget # Pass new filter data from the global filter dict & set button = "ok" self.load_dict() if propagate: # local signals are propagated with the name of this widget, # global signals terminate here dict_sig.update({'sender':__name__}) self.sig_tx.emit(dict_sig)
def _construct_UI(self): """ Construct User Interface from all input subwidgets """ self.butLoadFilt = QPushButton("LOAD FILTER", self) self.butLoadFilt.setToolTip("Load filter from disk") self.butSaveFilt = QPushButton("SAVE FILTER", self) self.butSaveFilt.setToolTip("Save filter todisk") layHButtons1 = QHBoxLayout() layHButtons1.addWidget(self.butLoadFilt) # <Load Filter> button layHButtons1.addWidget(self.butSaveFilt) # <Save Filter> button layHButtons1.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins_spc']) self.butDesignFilt = QPushButton("DESIGN FILTER", self) self.butDesignFilt.setToolTip("Design filter with chosen specs") self.butQuit = QPushButton("Quit", self) self.butQuit.setToolTip("Exit pyfda tool") layHButtons2 = QHBoxLayout() layHButtons2.addWidget(self.butDesignFilt) # <Design Filter> button layHButtons2.addWidget(self.butQuit) # <Quit> button layHButtons2.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) # Subwidget for selecting filter with response type rt (LP, ...), # filter type ft (IIR, ...) and filter class fc (cheby1, ...) self.sel_fil = select_filter.SelectFilter(self) self.sel_fil.setObjectName("select_filter") self.sel_fil.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) # Subwidget for selecting the frequency unit and range self.f_units = freq_units.FreqUnits(self) self.f_units.setObjectName("freq_units") self.f_units.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) # Changing the frequency unit requires re-display of frequency specs # but it does not influence the actual specs (no specsChanged ) # Activating the "Sort" button emits 'view_changed'?specs_changed'?, requiring # sorting and storing the frequency entries # Changing filter parameters / specs requires reloading of parameters # in other hierarchy levels, e.g. in the plot tabs # Subwidget for Frequency Specs self.f_specs = freq_specs.FreqSpecs(self) self.f_specs.setObjectName("freq_specs") self.f_specs.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) self.sig_tx.connect(self.f_specs.sig_rx) # Subwidget for Amplitude Specs self.a_specs = amplitude_specs.AmplitudeSpecs(self) self.a_specs.setObjectName("amplitude_specs") self.a_specs.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) # Subwidget for Weight Specs self.w_specs = weight_specs.WeightSpecs(self) self.w_specs.setObjectName("weight_specs") self.w_specs.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) # Subwidget for target specs (frequency and amplitude) self.t_specs = target_specs.TargetSpecs(self, title="Target Specifications") self.t_specs.setObjectName("target_specs") self.t_specs.sig_tx.connect(self.sig_rx_local) self.sig_tx.connect(self.t_specs.sig_rx) # Subwidget for displaying infos on the design method self.lblMsg = QLabel(self) self.lblMsg.setWordWrap(True) layVMsg = QVBoxLayout() layVMsg.addWidget(self.lblMsg) self.frmMsg = QFrame(self) self.frmMsg.setLayout(layVMsg) layVFrm = QVBoxLayout() layVFrm.addWidget(self.frmMsg) layVFrm.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LAYOUT for input specifications and buttons #---------------------------------------------------------------------- layVMain = QVBoxLayout(self) layVMain.addLayout(layHButtons1) # <Load> & <Save> buttons layVMain.addWidget(self.sel_fil) # Design method (IIR - ellip, ...) layVMain.addLayout(layHButtons2) # <Design> & <Quit> buttons layVMain.addWidget(self.f_units) # Frequency units layVMain.addWidget(self.t_specs) # Target specs layVMain.addWidget(self.f_specs) # Freq. specifications layVMain.addWidget(self.a_specs) # Amplitude specs layVMain.addWidget(self.w_specs) # Weight specs layVMain.addLayout(layVFrm) # Text message layVMain.addStretch() layVMain.setContentsMargins(*params['wdg_margins']) self.setLayout(layVMain) # main layout of widget #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.sig_rx_local.connect(self.process_sig_rx_local) self.butLoadFilt.clicked.connect(lambda: load_filter(self)) self.butSaveFilt.clicked.connect(lambda: save_filter(self)) self.butDesignFilt.clicked.connect(self.start_design_filt) self.butQuit.clicked.connect(self.quit_program) # emit 'quit_program' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.update_UI() # first time initialization self.start_design_filt() # design first filter using default values #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_UI(self, dict_sig={}): """ update_UI is called every time the filter design method or order (min / man) has been changed as this usually requires a different set of frequency and amplitude specs. At this time, the actual filter object instance has been created from the name of the design method (e.g. 'cheby1') in Its handle has been stored in fb.fil_inst. fb.fil[0] (currently selected filter) is read, then general information for the selected filter type and order (min/man) is gathered from the filter tree [fb.fil_tree], i.e. which parameters are needed, which widgets are visible and which message shall be displayed. Then, the UIs of all subwidgets are updated using their "update_UI" method. """ rt = fb.fil[0]['rt'] # e.g. 'LP' ft = fb.fil[0]['ft'] # e.g. 'FIR' fc = fb.fil[0]['fc'] # e.g. 'equiripple' fo = fb.fil[0]['fo'] # e.g. 'man' # the keys of the all_widgets dict are the names of the subwidgets, # the values are a tuple with the corresponding parameters all_widgets = fb.fil_tree[rt][ft][fc][fo] # logger.debug("rt: {0} - ft: {1} - fc: {2} - fo: {3}".format(rt, ft, fc, fo)) # logger.debug("fb.fil_tree[rt][ft][fc][fo]:\n{0}".format(fb.fil_tree[rt][ft][fc][fo])) # self.sel_fil.load_filter_order() # update filter order subwidget, called by select_filter # TARGET SPECS: is widget in the dict and is it visible (marker != 'i')? if ('tspecs' in all_widgets and len(all_widgets['tspecs']) > 1 and all_widgets['tspecs'][0] != 'i'): self.t_specs.setVisible(True) # disable all subwidgets with marker 'd': self.t_specs.setEnabled(all_widgets['tspecs'][0] != 'd') self.t_specs.update_UI(new_labels=all_widgets['tspecs'][1]) else: self.t_specs.hide() # FREQUENCY SPECS if ('fspecs' in all_widgets and len(all_widgets['fspecs']) > 1 and all_widgets['fspecs'][0] != 'i'): self.f_specs.setVisible(True) self.f_specs.setEnabled(all_widgets['fspecs'][0] != 'd') self.f_specs.update_UI(new_labels=all_widgets['fspecs']) else: self.f_specs.hide() # AMPLITUDE SPECS if ('aspecs' in all_widgets and len(all_widgets['aspecs']) > 1 and all_widgets['aspecs'][0] != 'i'): self.a_specs.setVisible(True) self.a_specs.setEnabled(all_widgets['aspecs'][0] != 'd') self.a_specs.update_UI(new_labels=all_widgets['aspecs']) else: self.a_specs.hide() # WEIGHT SPECS if ('wspecs' in all_widgets and len(all_widgets['wspecs']) > 1 and all_widgets['wspecs'][0] != 'i'): self.w_specs.setVisible(True) self.w_specs.setEnabled(all_widgets['wspecs'][0] != 'd') self.w_specs.update_UI(new_labels=all_widgets['wspecs']) else: self.w_specs.hide() if ('msg' in all_widgets and len(all_widgets['msg']) > 1 and all_widgets['msg'][0] != 'i'): self.frmMsg.setVisible(True) self.frmMsg.setEnabled(all_widgets['msg'][0] != 'd') self.lblMsg.setText(all_widgets['msg'][1:][0]) else: self.frmMsg.hide()
[docs] def load_dict(self): """ Reload all specs/parameters entries from global dict fb.fil[0], using the "load_dict" methods of the individual classes """ self.sel_fil.load_dict() # select filter widget self.f_units.load_dict() # frequency units widget self.f_specs.load_dict() # frequency specification widget self.a_specs.load_dict() # magnitude specs with unit self.w_specs.load_dict() # weight specification self.t_specs.load_dict() # target specs fb.design_filt_state = "ok" qstyle_widget(self.butDesignFilt, "ok")
[docs] def start_design_filt(self): """ Start the actual filter design process: - store the entries of all input widgets in the global filter dict. - call the design method, passing the whole dictionary as the argument: let the design method pick the needed specs - update the input widgets in case weights, corner frequencies etc. have been changed by the filter design method - the plots are updated via signal-slot connection """ try:"Start filter design using method\n\t'{0}.{1}{2}'"\ .format(str(fb.fil[0]['fc']), str(fb.fil[0]['rt']), str(fb.fil[0]['fo']))) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # A globally accessible instance fb.fil_inst of selected filter class fc # has been instantiated in InputFilter.set_design_method, now # call the method specified in the filter dict fil[0]. # The name of the instance method is constructed from the response # type (e.g. 'LP') and the filter order (e.g. 'man'), giving e.g. 'LPman'. # The filter is designed by passing the specs in fil[0] to the method, # resulting in e.g. cheby1.LPman(fb.fil[0]) and writing back coefficients, # P/Z etc. back to fil[0]. err = ff.fil_factory.call_fil_method(fb.fil[0]['rt'] + fb.fil[0]['fo'], fb.fil[0]) # this is the same as e.g. # from pyfda.filter_design import ellip # inst = ellip.ellip() # inst.LPmin(fb.fil[0]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if err > 0: self.color_design_button("error") elif err == -1: # filter design cancelled by user return else: # Update filter order. weights and freq display in case they # have been changed by the design algorithm self.sel_fil.load_filter_order() self.w_specs.load_dict() self.f_specs.load_dict() self.color_design_button("ok") self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'data_changed':'filter_designed'}) ('Designed filter with order = {0}'.format(str(fb.fil[0]['N']))) # ============================================================================= # logger.debug("Results:\n" # "F_PB = %s, F_SB = %s " # "Filter order N = %s\n" # "NDim fil[0]['ba'] = %s\n\n" # "b,a = %s\n\n" # "zpk = %s\n", # str(fb.fil[0]['F_PB']), str(fb.fil[0]['F_SB']), str(fb.fil[0]['N']), # str(np.ndim(fb.fil[0]['ba'])), pformat(fb.fil[0]['ba']), # pformat(fb.fil[0]['zpk'])) # # ============================================================================= except Exception as e: if ('__doc__' in str(e)): logger.warning("Filter design:\n %s\n %s\n", e.__doc__, e) else: logger.warning("{0}".format(e)) self.color_design_button("error")
def color_design_button(self, state): fb.design_filt_state = state qstyle_widget(self.butDesignFilt, state) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def quit_program(self): """ When <QUIT> button is pressed, send 'quit_program' """ self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'quit_program':''})
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': from pyfda.libs.compat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainw = Input_Specs(None) app.setActiveWindow(mainw) sys.exit(app.exec_())