Source code for pyfda.fixpoint_widgets.fir_df

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

Widget for specifying the parameters of a direct-form DF1 FIR filter
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np
import pyfda.filterbroker as fb
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_lib import set_dict_defaults, pprint_log
from pyfda.libs.pyfda_qt_lib import qget_cmb_box

from pyfda.libs.compat import QWidget, QVBoxLayout, pyqtSignal

#import pyfda.libs.pyfda_fix_lib as fx
from .fixpoint_helpers import UI_W, UI_Q, requant

from functools import reduce
from operator import add

from migen import Signal, Module, run_simulation
from migen.fhdl import verilog

classes = {'FIR_DF_wdg':'FIR_DF'} #: Dict containing widget class name : display name

# =============================================================================

[docs]class FIR_DF_wdg(QWidget): """ Widget for entering word formats & quantization, also instantiates fixpoint filter class :class:`FilterFIR`. """ # incoming, sig_rx = pyqtSignal(object) # outcgoing sig_tx = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent): super(FIR_DF_wdg, self).__init__(parent) self.title = ("<b>Direct-Form (DF) FIR Filter</b><br />" "Standard FIR topology.") self.img_name = "fir_df.png" self._construct_UI() # Construct an instance of the fixpoint filter using the settings from # the 'fxqc' quantizer dict self.construct_fixp_filter() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _construct_UI(self): """ Intitialize the UI with widgets for coefficient format and input and output quantization """ if not 'QA' in fb.fil[0]['fxqc']: fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'] = {} set_dict_defaults(fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'], {'WI':0, 'WF':30, 'W':32, 'ovfl':'wrap', 'quant':'floor'}) self.wdg_w_coeffs = UI_W(self, fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB'], id='w_coeff', label='Coeff. Format <i>B<sub>I.F&nbsp;</sub></i>:', tip_WI='Number of integer bits - edit in the "b,a" tab', tip_WF='Number of fractional bits - edit in the "b,a" tab', WI = fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['WI'], WF = fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['WF']) # self.wdg_q_coeffs = UI_Q(self, fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB'], # cur_ov=fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['ovfl'], # cur_q=fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['quant']) # self.wdg_q_coeffs.sig_tx.connect(self.update_q_coeff) self.wdg_w_accu = UI_W(self, fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'], label='', id='w_accu', fractional=True, combo_visible=True) self.wdg_q_accu = UI_Q(self, fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'], id='q_accu', label='Accu Format <i>Q<sub>A&nbsp;</sub></i>:') # initial setting for accumulator cmbW = qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) self.wdg_w_accu.ledWF.setEnabled(cmbW=='man') self.wdg_w_accu.ledWI.setEnabled(cmbW=='man') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOCAL SIGNALS & SLOTs & EVENTFILTERS #---------------------------------------------------------------------- self.wdg_w_coeffs.sig_tx.connect(self.update_q_coeff) self.wdg_w_accu.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) self.wdg_q_accu.sig_tx.connect(self.process_sig_rx) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ layVWdg = QVBoxLayout() layVWdg.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) layVWdg.addWidget(self.wdg_w_coeffs) # layVWdg.addWidget(self.wdg_q_coeffs) layVWdg.addWidget(self.wdg_q_accu) layVWdg.addWidget(self.wdg_w_accu) layVWdg.addStretch() self.setLayout(layVWdg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def process_sig_rx(self, dict_sig=None): logger.debug("sig_rx:\n{0}".format(pprint_log(dict_sig))) # check whether anything needs to be done locally # could also check here for 'quant', 'ovfl', 'WI', 'WF' (not needed at the moment) # if not, just pass the dict if 'ui' in dict_sig: if dict_sig['id'] == 'w_coeff': # coefficient format updated """ Update coefficient quantization settings and coefficients. The new values are written to the fixpoint coefficient dict as `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']` and `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['b']`. """ fb.fil[0]['fxqc'].update(self.ui2dict()) elif dict_sig['ui'] == 'cmbW': cmbW = qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) self.wdg_w_accu.ledWF.setEnabled(cmbW=='man') self.wdg_w_accu.ledWI.setEnabled(cmbW=='man') if cmbW in {'full', 'auto'}: self.dict2ui() self.sig_tx.emit({'sender':__name__, 'specs_changed':'cmbW'}) else: return dict_sig.update({'sender':__name__}) # currently only local self.sig_tx.emit(dict_sig) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_q_coeff(self, dict_sig): """ Update coefficient quantization settings and coefficients. The new values are written to the fixpoint coefficient dict as `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']` and `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['b']`. """ logger.debug("update q_coeff - dict_sig:\n{0}".format(pprint_log(dict_sig))) #dict_sig.update({'ui':'C'+dict_sig['ui']}) fb.fil[0]['fxqc'].update(self.ui2dict()) logger.debug("b = {0}".format(pprint_log(fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['b']))) self.process_sig_rx(dict_sig)
[docs] def update_accu_settings(self): """ Calculate number of extra integer bits needed in the accumulator (bit growth) depending on the coefficient area (sum of absolute coefficient values) for `cmbW == 'auto'` or depending on the number of coefficients for `cmbW == 'full'`. The latter works for arbitrary coefficients but requires more bits. The new values are written to the fixpoint coefficient dict `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']`. """ try: if qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) == "full": A_coeff = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['b'])))) elif qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) == "auto": A_coeff = int(np.ceil(np.log2(np.sum(np.abs(fb.fil[0]['ba'][0]))))) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return if qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) == "full" or\ qget_cmb_box(self.wdg_w_accu.cmbW, data=False) == "auto": fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']['WF'] = fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QI']['WF']\ + fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['WF'] fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']['WI'] = fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QI']['WI']\ + fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['WI'] + A_coeff # calculate total accumulator word length fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']['W'] = fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']['WI']\ + fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA']['WF'] + 1 # update quantization settings fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'].update(self.wdg_q_accu.q_dict) self.wdg_w_accu.dict2ui(fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QA'])
[docs] def dict2ui(self): """ Update all parts of the UI that need to be updated when specs have been changed outside this class, e.g. coefficients and coefficient wordlength. This also provides the initial setting for the widgets when the filter has been changed. This is called from one level above by :class:`pyfda.input_widgets.input_fixpoint_specs.Input_Fixpoint_Specs`. """ fxqc_dict = fb.fil[0]['fxqc'] if not 'QA' in fxqc_dict: fxqc_dict.update({'QA':{}}) # no accumulator settings in dict yet logger.warning("QA key missing") if not 'QCB' in fxqc_dict: fxqc_dict.update({'QCB':{}}) # no coefficient settings in dict yet logger.warning("QCB key missing") self.wdg_w_coeffs.dict2ui(fxqc_dict['QCB']) # update coefficient wordlength self.update_accu_settings() # update accumulator settings
[docs] def ui2dict(self): """ Read out the quantization subwidgets and store their settings in the central fixpoint dictionary `fb.fil[0]['fxqc']` using the keys described below. Coefficients are quantized with these settings in the subdictionary under the key 'b'. Additionally, these subdictionaries are returned to the caller (``input_fixpoint_specs``) where they are used to update ``fb.fil[0]['fxqc']`` Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- fxqc_dict : dict containing the following keys and values: - 'QCB': dictionary with coefficients quantization settings - 'QA': dictionary with accumulator quantization settings - 'b' : list of coefficients in integer format """ fxqc_dict = fb.fil[0]['fxqc'] if not 'QA' in fxqc_dict: fxqc_dict.update({'QA':self.wdg_w_accu.q_dict}) # no accumulator settings in dict yet logger.warning("Empty dict 'fxqc['QA]'!") else: fxqc_dict['QA'].update(self.wdg_w_accu.q_dict) if not 'QCB' in fxqc_dict: fxqc_dict.update({'QCB':self.wdg_w_coeffs.q_dict}) # no coefficient settings in dict yet logger.warning("Empty dict 'fxqc['QCB]'!") else: fxqc_dict['QCB'].update(self.wdg_w_coeffs.q_dict) fxqc_dict.update({'b':self.wdg_w_coeffs.quant_coeffs(self.wdg_w_coeffs.q_dict, fb.fil[0]['ba'][0])}) return fxqc_dict
[docs] def construct_fixp_filter(self): """ Construct an instance of the fixpoint filter object using the settings from the 'fxqc' quantizer dict """ p = fb.fil[0]['fxqc'] if not all(np.isfinite(p['b'])): logger.error("Coefficients contain non-finite values!") return if any(np.iscomplex(p['b'])): logger.error("Coefficients contain complex values!") return self.fixp_filter = FIR()
[docs] def to_verilog(self, **kwargs): """ Convert the migen description to Verilog """ return verilog.convert(self.fixp_filter, ios={self.fixp_filter.i, self.fixp_filter.o}, **kwargs)
[docs] def tb_wdg_stim(self, stimulus, outputs): """ use stimulus list from widget as input to filter """ for x in stimulus: yield self.fixp_filter.i.eq(int(x)) # pass one stimulus value to filter outputs.append((yield self.fixp_filter.o)) # append filter output to output list yield # next x until stimulus is used up
[docs] def run_sim(self, stimulus): """ Pass stimuli and run filter simulation, see """ response = [] testbench = self.tb_wdg_stim(stimulus, response) run_simulation(self.fixp_filter, testbench) return response
############################################################################### # A synthesizable FIR filter. class FIR(Module): def __init__(self): p = fb.fil[0]['fxqc'] # ------------- Define I/Os ------------------------------------------- self.i = Signal((p['QI']['W'], True)) # input signal self.o = Signal((p['QO']['W'], True)) # output signal ### muls = [] # list for partial products b_i * x_i DW = int(np.ceil(np.log2(len(p['b'])))) # word growth # word format for sum of partial products b_i * x_i QP = {'WI':p['QI']['WI'] + p['QCB']['WI'] + DW, 'WF':p['QI']['WF'] + p['QCB']['WF']} QP.update({'W':QP['WI'] + QP['WF'] + 1}) src = self.i # first register is connected to input signal for b in p['b']: sreg = Signal((p['QI']['W'], True)) # create chain of registers self.sync += sreg.eq(src) # with input word length src = sreg muls.append(int(b)*sreg) logger.debug("b = {0}\nW(b) = {1}".format(pprint_log(p['b']), p['QCB']['W'])) # saturation logic doesn't make much sense with a FIR filter, this is # just for demonstration sum_full = Signal((QP['W'], True)) self.sync += sum_full.eq(reduce(add, muls)) # sum of multiplication products # rescale from full product format to accumulator format sum_accu = Signal((p['QA']['W'], True)) self.comb += sum_accu.eq(requant(self, sum_full, QP, p['QA'])) # rescale from accumulator format to output width self.comb += self.o.eq(requant(self, sum_accu, p['QA'], p['QO'])) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': from pyfda.libs.compat import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) mainw = FIR_DF_wdg(None) app.exec_() # test using "python -m pyfda.fixpoint_widgets.fir_df"