Source code for pyfda.libs.pyfda_dirs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pyFDA project hosted at
# Copyright © pyFDA Project Contributors
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# (see file LICENSE in root directory for details)

Handle directories in an OS-independent way, create logging directory etc.
Upon import, all the variables are set.
This is imported first by pyfdax, logger cannot be used yet. Hence, messages
are printed to the console.
import os
import sys
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT
import shutil
import platform
import tempfile
import datetime

# ANSI color codes
CSEL = '\033[96;1m'  # highlight select key (CYAN bold and bright)
CEND = '\033[0m'     # end coloring

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def valid(path): """ Check whether path exists and is valid""" if path and os.path.isdir(path): return True return False
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[docs] def env(name): """ Get value for environment variable ``name`` from the OS. Parameters ---------- name : str environment variable Returns ------- str value of environment variable """ return os.environ.get(name, '')
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[docs] def get_home_dir(): """ Return the user's home directory and name """ if OS != "Windows": # set home directory from user name for Mac and Linux when started as user or # sudo user user_name = os.getenv('SUDO_USER') or os.getenv('USER') if user_name is None: user_name = "" home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~'+user_name) else: # same for windows user_name = os.getenv('USER') if not user_name: user_name = os.getlogin() # alternative # home_dir = os.path.expanduser(os.getenv('USERPROFILE')) home_dir = env('USERPROFILE') if not valid(home_dir): home_dir = env('HOME') if not valid(home_dir): home_dir = '%s%s' % (env('HOMEDRIVE'), env('HOMEPATH')) if not valid(home_dir): home_dir = env('SYSTEMDRIVE') if home_dir and (not home_dir.endswith('\\')): home_dir += '\\' if not valid(home_dir): home_dir = 'C:\\' return home_dir, user_name
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[docs] def get_log_dir(): """ Try different OS-dependent locations for creating log files and return the first suitable directory name. Only called once at startup. see """ # list of base directories for constructing the logging directory log_dirs = ['/var/log/', TEMP_DIR] for d in log_dirs: log_dir_pyfda = os.path.join(d, '.pyfda') # check whether directory /..../.pyfda exists and is writeable if valid(log_dir_pyfda) and os.access(log_dir_pyfda, os.W_OK): # R_OK = readable return log_dir_pyfda # check whether directory .../.pyfda can be created: elif valid(d) and os.access(d, os.W_OK): try: os.mkdir(log_dir_pyfda) print("Created logging directory {0}".format(log_dir_pyfda)) return log_dir_pyfda except (IOError, OSError) as e: print("ERROR creating {0}:\n{1}\nUsing '{2}'".format(log_dir_pyfda, e, d)) return d # use base directory instead if it is writable print("ERROR: No suitable directory found for logging.") return None
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[docs] def get_yosys_dir(): """ Try to find YOSYS path and version from environment variable or path: """ yosys_exe = env("YOSYS") yosys_ver = "not found" if yosys_exe: # something is stored in the environment variable # redirect `yosys -V` output to string command = [yosys_exe, "-V"] elif "yosys" in env("PATH"): command = ["yosys", "-V"] try: output = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT).decode().split(' ', 2) if len(output) > 1: yosys_ver = output[1] except CalledProcessError as e: print(e.output.decode()) # print("YOSYS: {0}, ver. {1}".format(yosys_exe, yosys_ver)) return yosys_exe, yosys_ver
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[docs] def get_conf_dir(): """Return the user's configuration directory""" conf_dir = os.path.join(HOME_DIR, '.pyfda') if valid(conf_dir) and os.access(conf_dir, os.W_OK): return conf_dir else: try: os.mkdir(conf_dir) print("Creating config directory \n'{0}'".format(conf_dir)) return conf_dir except (IOError, OSError) as e: print("Error creating config directory {0}:\n{1}".format(conf_dir, e)) return HOME_DIR
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy_conf_files(force_copy=False, logger=None): """ If they don't exist, create `pyfda.conf` und `pyfda_log.conf` from template files. in the user directory where they can be edited by the user without admin rights. If they exist and `force_copy=True`, make a backup of the old files and then overwrite them. Parameters ---------- force_copy : bool When True, make a backup and overwrite existing config files. logger : logger instance Write info and error messages to `logger` when it exists, otherwise use `print()`. When called during the initial phase, loggers have not been created yet and `print()` has to be used. Returns ------- None. """ if logger: log_info = log_err = logger.error else: log_info = print log_err = print # pyfda config file try: # Create Backup if os.path.isfile(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE) and force_copy: shutil.move(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE, USER_CONF_DIR_FILE + "_bak_" + TODAY) log_info('Created backup "{0}"\n\tof user config file.' .format(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE + "_bak_" + TODAY)) # Create config file if not os.path.isfile(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE) or force_copy: shutil.copyfile(TMPL_CONF_DIR_FILE, USER_CONF_DIR_FILE) log_info('Created user config file "{0}" from template.' .format(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE)) except (IOError, FileNotFoundError, FileExistsError) as e: log_err("File error: {0}".format(e)) # Logging config file try: # Create Backup if os.path.isfile(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE) and force_copy: shutil.move(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE, USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE + "_bak_" + TODAY) log_info('Created backup "{0}"\n\tof user logging config file' .format(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE + "_bak_" + TODAY)) # Create log config file if not os.path.isfile(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE) or force_copy: shutil.copyfile(TMPL_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE, USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE) log_info('Created user logging config file "{0}" from template.' .format(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE)) except (IOError, FileNotFoundError, FileExistsError) as e: log_err("File error: {0}".format(e))
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[docs] def update_conf_files(logger): """ Copy templates to user config and logging config files, making backups of the old versions. """ if OS.lower() == "windows": os.system('color') # activate colored terminal under windows logger.error("Please either\n" "\t- {R_str}eplace the existing user and log config files \n" "\t by copies of the templates (backups will be created).\n" "\t\t{tmpl_conf} and \n\t\t{tmpl_log}\n" "\t- {Q_str}uit and edit or delete the user config files yourself.\n\t" " When deleted, new config files will be created at the next start." "\n\n" "\tEnter 'q' to quit or 'r' to replace existing user config file:" .format(tmpl_conf=TMPL_CONF_DIR_FILE, tmpl_log=TMPL_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE, R_str=CSEL+"[R]"+CEND, Q_str=CSEL+"[Q]"+CEND)) val = input( "Enter 'q' to quit or 'r' to replace the existing user config file:").lower() if val == 'r': # - create backups of old user and logging config files # - copy templates to user directory. copy_conf_files(force_copy=True, logger=logger) elif val == 'q': sys.exit() else: sys.exit("Unknown option '{0}', quitting.".format(val))
# ============================================================================== # is the software running in a bundled PyInstaller environment? PYINSTALLER = getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS') OS = platform.system() # Windows / Linux / Darwin OS_VER = platform.release() CONF_FILE = 'pyfda.conf' #: name for general configuration file LOG_CONF_FILE = 'pyfda_log.conf' #: name for logging configuration file THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # dir of this file INSTALL_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, '..')) TEMP_DIR = tempfile.gettempdir() #: Temp directory for constructing logging dir USER_DIRS = [] #: Placeholder for user widgets directory list, set by treebuilder HOME_DIR, USER_NAME = get_home_dir() #: Home dir and user name TODAY ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") LOG_DIR = get_log_dir() if LOG_DIR: LOG_FILE = 'pyfda_{0}.log'.format(TODAY) #: Name of the log file, can be changed in ```` LOG_DIR_FILE = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, LOG_FILE) else: LOG_FILE = None LOG_DIR_FILE = None CONF_DIR = get_conf_dir() # full path name of user configuration file: USER_CONF_DIR_FILE = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, CONF_FILE) # full path name of logging configuration file: USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, LOG_CONF_FILE) # full path name of configuration template: TMPL_CONF_DIR_FILE = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, 'pyfda_template.conf') # full path name of logging configuration template: TMPL_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, 'pyfda_log_template.conf') # full path to YOSYS exe (if found) and version YOSYS_EXE, YOSYS_VER = get_yosys_dir() # store command line options as a list in ARGV, stripping '-' or '--' ARGV = [] for a in sys.argv: ARGV.append(a.strip('-')) # print information about pyfda paths and quit if 'i' in ARGV: print("\n----- pyfda environment variables ------------") print("INSTALL_DIR: {0}".format(INSTALL_DIR)) print("USER_CONF_DIR_FILE: {0}".format(USER_CONF_DIR_FILE)) print("USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE: {0}".format(USER_LOG_CONF_DIR_FILE)) print("LOG_DIR_FILE: {0}".format(LOG_DIR_FILE)) sys.exit() # print help infos and quit if 'h' in ARGV: print("Start pyfdax with the following options:\n") print("\tpyfdax -h : Show this help message") print("\tpyfdax -i : Print information on user directories") print("\tpyfdax -r : Replace the config files") sys.exit() # force replacement of config files when 'r' is specified copy_conf_files(force_copy=('r' in ARGV)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Place holder for storing the name of the last file""" last_file_name = "" """ Place holder for storing the directory location of the last file""" last_file_dir = HOME_DIR """ Place holder for file type selected (e.g. "csv") in last file dialog""" last_file_type = '' """ Global handle to pop-up window for CSV options - this window must be closed before opening another pop-up window! Otherwise, the second window becomes unaccessible (?) and pyfda becomes unresponsive. """ csv_options_handle = None